Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thanks so much for responding so quickly, all the dates have been filled!!! The Alebergos fav is Italian food, but regular American, grilled chicken, burgers- you know- is great for them as well. Nothing to spicy and nothing with alot of onions. Veggies and salads are great as well. I know Joe loves Italian sausage well and lots of other things=) I don't think you can really go wrong. Only Jeanette is allergic to seafood so I would just keep that in mind. Thanks again. This is a wonderful blessing to their family. Also if you need to change plans for your day or the food time, please call me instead of Joe.
Also when you bring it by, I'm sure you can evaluate the situation but it is probably fine to stay and chat for just a few min, it may be encouraging to Joe or the girls. I'm sure you be able to tell if this is appropriate when you come. Thanks for caring
Grace to You!
Love & Thanks, Kriscinda
My Cell 240-506-3149
Home 240-683-6303
Sat 8th- Cindy

Sun 9th- Viv

Tes 11th- Jerusha

Sat 15th- Seanna

Sun 16th- Jenn Dabb
Sat 22nd- April

Sat 29th- Janie

Sun 30th- Kris
Their Address is
18018 Red Rocks Dr
Germantown, MD 20874

Kriscinda Davis
Stay up to date with the Davis' at:
Hospice Care came in yesterday to make things more accommodating for Jeanette. She is very weak. Her Mom is there with her this week. Her brother and sister will be coming on Thursday I believe. Please continue to pray for Jeanette, Joe, Allysa, Damion, Anthony, Jen and Mark.

Jeanette, I wish I could drop by to see you, but we all have the stomach flu over here. We are praying for you!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jeanette is very weak and has been for several days. Her Mom and Sister were able to come in on Saturday to be with them. Joe and Jeanette will see the Doctor on Monday at 11:00 to see what his diagnosis is and what next steps should be taken; more chemo treatments or what other options they may have. Please pray for Joe, Jeanette, Mark and Jen and Alyssa in this very challenging season.
We wanted to create a blog so that everyone who loves and cares for Jeanette could easily see how she is doing and how they can help, put up a post of encouragement and pray for her and Joe in this challenging season.

"Bear one another's burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ" Galatians 6:2